I am a Filipino in
The article below has been sent to some major dailies here to do what the Catholic Church failed to do:
This issue about the sinning Catholic priest of the
I received an email from a certain Ibrahim Salapudin dated August 19 of this year warning me, as a kabayan in
Ibrahim Salapudin attached links re this priest.
It is a clear and present danger because Everett Corvera is NOW IN
Another email to me from Ibrahim with a forwarded message from Everett Corvera with the priest’s name and signature came November 29. It was as if he was admitting his sins to Ibrahim and even said that he will take his sins to his grave. (THOSE INTERESTED IN VIEWING THE ORIGINAL EMAIL MAY CONTACT ME SO I CAN FORWARD THE SAME TO YOU.)
I decided as a concerned citizen of
1. Everett Corvera has a myspace account. It is so stupid that he somehow hid parts of his identity in that site and made it appear that he is from
2. The highly-scrutinized Confessions of a Sinning Priest blog is a bit questionable in my opinion.
Everything in his profile was just extracted from his myspace profile. It was, as the title suggests, a venue for the confession of his sins. The blog entries were questioned by some, but were also verified by most. I learned from Ibrahim that the deleted comments belonged to a homosexual childhood friend of Corvera, who was responsible for sparking rumors of the authenticity of the blog. The homosexual friend retracted all of his statements after he himself questioned his earlier judgment. Ibrahim forwarded this link but it has since been deleted.
Most interesting are the comments of one “ex umbris” and “butuan.” Ex umbris claims he has personal knowledge of all the sexual activities of Corvera, even claiming that there is an existing sex video. He also claims that the bishops know of his misconducts.
“Butuan” made a very thorough narrative of his sexual conquests in Butuan (his hometown in
All of the pieces came into place. Corvera was assigned in Butuan until he was exiled in Balanga, Bataan (a province in
Both ex umbris and butuan agree that Corvera is hiding under the name of “estirel” (in the guise of a staunch supporter of Corvera) with several desperate commentaries arguing the “greatness” of Corvera. If you click on his name, you will arrive at his blog account where you will find all the links to blogs made by “the real Everett Corvera.”
3. The links to “the real…” cannot be accessed anymore. However, Ibrahim forwarded a link leading to the friendster account of Everett Corvera. According to Ibrahim, this link contains the same entry as that of “the real…” account. "The Real Father Everett Corvera" account was deleted because of the pressures coming from the Catholic Church.
The friendster blog is unquestionably that of Corvera’s. Here he listed the different defenses to the attacks on him. He shamelessly suggests that it was Bishop Socrates Villegas who invited him as a guest priest in Balanga. In this blog Corvera denied that he was the author of Confessions of a Sinning Priest blog. For me this is worse than the Confessions blog. Corvera is either very stupid or more concerned about bragging than protecting himself. There are a slew of very self-incriminating statements in the friendster blog. Most appalling of which is his justification of why he does not and will not practice the vow of poverty, citing a church rule that in my opinion is a lot of BS. He also boasts about his plans to pursue a career in film and photography. He came to his naked picture’s defense by claiming that it was taken by a “world-renown” (sic) photographer. A priest who will willingly be photographed naked by any person, world-renowned or otherwise, can only be sick in the mind. He seemed to have conveniently eluded the issue on his many exploits with women, girls and young boys.
The above link is from Corvera’s friendster account.
4. Ibrahim also mentioned that Everett Corvera had a different friendster account before, which was very popular with the youth of Balanga,
It seems that it was in this friendster account that Corvera first “confessed his sins” and subsequently in the pinoyexchange.com forum. Both accounts disappeared but can be corroborated by a very specific and well-written commentary by a Ms. Bing Ramos.
5. His hobby (photography) is very extravagant. This is confirmed by his membership to club eos, where he posted, among others, his now-notorious naked picture. I was able to view it before it had again, disappeared. It is the same photo on the Confessions blog.
The link below will confirm the email address of Everett Corvera as well as his expensive hobby.
http://www.camerareview.com/templates/reviews.cfm?camera id=195
6. The same email addresses, freve27@yahoo.com and freve52774@yahoo.com appeared in Corvera’s reply to Ibrahim Salapudin, which was forwarded to me. Contact me if you want me to forward the email.
As mentioned earlier, Ibrahim Salapudin had given warning, and it was to the following recipients August of 2008:
and the following on November 2008
7. After both warnings were sent, Corvera is now happily a resident priest of St. Michael in Remuera.
http://www.catholicremuera.org.nz/b1081130 2 .pdf
It is disappointing that none of the above-mentioned agencies/offices did nothing to prevent this Everett Corvera from coming to
It is such a dishonor to the Filipino community that the Filipino dailies conspired to keep this a secret from us. Even without the help of Ibrahim Salapudin, any fool can get to the real story by simply searching for his name on any search engine. The whole story is there. It does not call for an investigative or brilliant mind to “connect the dots.”
Now I am writing you not as a Filipino protecting my fellowmen but as a citizen of
Does anyone of you realize that through the Parish of Saint Michael we have just welcomed the devil into our homes? I will not rest until Everett Magdalino Corvera is investigated, persecuted and incarcerated and sent back to hell.
I will give you a week from today to do your research, after which I will forward this to another news agency.